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Business Insider Bangladesh

3 individuals, one organisation to get International Mother Language medals

BI Report || BusinessInsider

Published: 01:01, 21 February 2021  
3 individuals, one organisation to get International Mother Language medals

Graphics Business Insider BD

The government has introduced International Mother Language medal for special contribution to the mother tongue.

The medals will be handed over to the recipients on the inaugural day of the four-day event organised on the occasion of the day at the International Mother Language Institute on Sunday, International Mother Language Day.

The event will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, said senior official of the Ministry of Education.
The medals will be awarded to the recipients in two categories on the occasion of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Two of the recipients are locals and one is a foreigner, and the other will be given to an organisation.
National professors  Rafiqul Islam and Mathura Bikash Tripura are getting in the category of ‘International Mother Language National Medal-2021.’
Ismailov Gulam Mirzayevich from Uzbekistan and Activismmo Lenkuas, an organisation from Bolivia, are also in the category of ‘International Mother Language International Medal-2021.’

The medals will be awarded every two years. According to the policy, the medals will be made of gold weighing 15 grams of 18 carats, a certificate of honour and four lakh taka or $5,000.

This medals will be awarded for special contribution to the preservation, revival and development of different mother tongues of the world as well as mother tongue practice, research, preservation, etc.
