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Youths bring cycle march to stop violence against women in Noakha

BI Report || BusinessInsider

Published: 22:13, 25 November 2020  
Youths bring cycle march to stop violence against women in Noakha

Noakhali Cycle Rally

Dhaka (Nov 25, 2020): With the slogan ‘wake up Bangladesh against rape, sexual abuse and all types of violence against women, a number of youths brought out a cycle rally in Noakhali on Wednesday.

Marking the International Day of Eliminating Violence Against Women, the youth brought out the rally this noon that marched different streets across the town and demanded an end to the incidents of rape, sexual harassment and violence against women in the country.

Noakhali Cycle Rally

The marchers, during the rally, also demanded safe and secured environment for the women at home, office, public place and transports to put an end to the saga.

As a part of the global campaign on this occasion, Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN, Noakhali District Scout and ActionAid Bangladesh has initiated the Cycle March with the support of the United Nations Population Fund- UNFPA.

Noakhali Cycle Rally

Mohammad Khorshed Alam Khan, deputy commissioner of Noakhali inaugurated the bicycle march in front of Bangabondhu Square in the district town.

This is an appropriate time to raise awareness among people to come forward together preventing violence against women, he said.

Such type of abuse against women can be stopped when people from different classes and professions including student, teacher, youth and guardian will wake up, the government official said.

He called upon all to come forward and to raise their voices against women repression and expressed his hope to build a Bangladesh to be free from such violence.

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Noakhali, its superintendent of police and other top level officials of the local administration took part in the programme and addressed the rally.

Noakhali Cycle Rally

Among other, Nur Nahar Rini a rights body leader, Ahammod Hossain Dhonu, secretary of Noakhali district scout and Nurul Alam Masud- CEO of PRAN also joined the rally.

While addressing the rally, the organisers claimed that the incidents of violence against women have taken an acute turn in Noakhali district recently.

There are 41 incidents of women violation including 19 rapes took place in Noakhali in October this year, they said citing media reports.

More than 150 youths from different parts of the district took part in the programme.

The rally started from Bangabonhdu Square and ended in front of the Noakhali Shilpakala Academy after marching different streets and areas including Maijdi new bus stand and Harinarayanpur Government High School area.
