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Cabinet approves customs agreement between Dhaka and Tokyo

BI Report || BusinessInsider

Published: 19:32, 14 November 2022  
Cabinet approves customs agreement between Dhaka and Tokyo

Flags of Bangladesh and Japan. Photo: Representational

The Cabinet has given its consent to the Economic Relations Division’s proposal on cooperation and mutual assistance regarding customs matters between Bangladesh and Japan.

The ERD proposal was approved in a cabinet meeting on Monday in the city. It was presided over by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

After the meeting, Cabinet secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam told journalists about the core matters of the proposal. Both the government will cooperate with each other on transaction of tax related information, curb smuggling, avoid tax exemptions, and ease trade related issues.

He also said under the agreement, trade and official correspondence on trade matters will rise which will ensure public interests of these two Asian countries.

Japan will organise a training programme for Bangladesh’s customs officials for developing customs systems, he added.

The agreement will be signed when Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visits Japan at the end of this month, Anwarul added.