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BUBT, REVE Systems sign MoU to set up lab, boost research

BI Report || BusinessInsider

Published: 01:43, 23 November 2020  
BUBT, REVE Systems sign MoU to set up lab, boost research

Photo: Courtesy

The Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with REVE Systems Limited on Sunday to set up a and boost up research activities at the university.

Professor Dr Md Fayyaz Khan, vice chancellor of BUBT, and Ajmat Iqbal, group director and CEO of REVE Systems Limited, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations at the BUBT permanent campus in Rupnagar, Dhaka.

The MoU focuses on developing human resources, establishing a Natural Language Processing Lab and other joint academic-industrial collaborations, reads a press release.

REVE Systems Ltd, a multinational tech company, will provide 40 computers to set up the lab and Tk10 lakh for research activities at BUBT.

Among others, BUBT Trust Advisor and Member Professor Md Abu Saleh, Dean of the Faculty of Business Professor Dr Syed Masud Husain, Dr Kamruddin Md Nur, chairman of the CSE Department, Dr M Firoz Mridha, associate professor of CSE, Md Saifur Rahman, assistant professor of CSE, and Md Asadullah Uzzal, an assistant general manager of REVE Systems Ltd, were present during the signing ceremony.
