Bashundhara to arrange nationwide Hifjul Quran competition ahead of Ramadan
BI Report || BusinessInsider

Photo: Courtesy
The nationwide holy Hifzul Quran Competition named ‘Qur'aner Noor' powered by Bashundhara Group is going to be held ahead of Ramadan.
Hafezs aged less than 15 years will be able to join the event from 11 zones across the country including two from Dhaka's north and south city corporations and the first session will begin on February 8.
The other zones except Dhaka’s two are Sylhet, Mymensingh, Comilla, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Khulna, Faridpur and Barishal.
Three top scorers each from the nine zones and nine top scorers each from Dhaka's two zones will take part in the audition round of the competition.
the second round of the competition will be held with the 45 top scorers and five of them will be picked for the final round.
The first winner in the competition will get Tk 10 lakh, the second winner Tk 7 lakh, the third winner Tk 5 lakh while the fourth and the fifth winners will get 2 lakhs each.
The programme was announced during a press conference held at the Baitul Mukarram National Mosque where Chief Advisor of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Musalli Committee and Managing Director (MD) of Bashundhara Group Sayem Sobhan Anvir, among others, were present at the press conference.
The event will be telecasted through private TV channel News 24.