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Number of TIN holders crosses 1.02cr

Dhaka, Sunday

09 March 2025

Business Insider Bangladesh

Number of TIN holders crosses 1.02cr

BI Desk || BusinessInsider

Published: 00:26, 26 April 2024  
Number of TIN holders crosses 1.02cr

Representational photo

The number of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) holders is gradually increasing in the country as it has now crossed 1.02 crore.

According to the National Board of Revenue (NBR), the number of TIN holders reached 1,02,22,076 till today. The government has taken various initiatives to widen further the tax net to which new taxpayers are being added to the tax net, reports BSS.

The NBR data showed that the number of TIN holders in the country in the last fiscal year (FY23) was 90,02,552. From July to April 25 of the current fiscal year (FY24), the number of TIN holders in the country increased by 12,19,524 which is higher than the corresponding period of the last fiscal year.

The NBR officials said that the trend of TIN holders is gradually increasing since it has been made mandatory to show receipts of income tax return submission for availing various types of services as well as strengthening monitoring at the field-level offices.

Talking to BSS, a senior official of the NBR preferring anonymity said that a good number of people are now taking TIN numbers as a result of the mandatory provision for submitting tax returns in availing some 43 types of services.

"It's a good initiative. If they submit their returns properly, then the revenue will increase while the number of taxpayers submitting returns will also increase. Besides, many are now taking TINs due to the strict monitoring at field-level," he added.