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Bangladesh up 4 notches in Global Democracy Index

BI Report || BusinessInsider

Published: 21:41, 3 February 2021   Update: 23:21, 3 February 2021
Bangladesh up 4 notches in Global Democracy Index

Graphics by Business Insider BD

Bangladesh is ranked at 76th position in the Global Democracy Index 2020, up by four notches from the previous year.

The overall score of Bangladesh was 5.99 on a scale of 10, with scores of 7.42 in electoral process and pluralism category, 6.07 in the functioning of government, 6.11 in political participation, 5.63 in democratic political culture, and 4.71 in civil liberties.

The EIU Democracy Index, published on Tuesday, observed that pandemic caused an unprecedented rollback of democratic freedoms in 2020.

The index divided countries in four categories, Authoritarian regimes, Hybrid regimes, Flawed democracies and Full democracies.

Bangladesh was categorised in Hybrid regimes in the latest index.

India is ranked 53th position in Flawed democracies while Pakistan is ranked 105 position in Hybrid regimes and Myanmar is ranked 135th position in Authoritarian regimes.

Global democracy continued its decline in 2020, according to the latest edition of the Democracy Index from The Economist Intelligence Unit.

The annual survey, which rates the state of democracy across 167 countries based on five measures — electoral process and pluralism, the functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties — finds that just 8.4% of the world’s population live in a full democracy while more than a third live under authoritarian rule. The global score of 5.37 out of 10 is the lowest recorded since the index began in 2006.
